Home / Tool Accessories / Diablo DHS4BITII Hole Saw Pilot Bit
  • Diablo DHS4BITII Hole Saw Pilot Bit - Nweshn
  • Diablo DHS4BITII Hole Saw Pilot Bit - Nweshn
  • Diablo DHS4BITII Hole Saw Pilot Bit - Nweshn
  • Diablo DHS4BITII Hole Saw Pilot Bit - Nweshn

Diablo DHS4BITII Hole Saw Pilot Bit

Customer Reviews

Diablo DHS4BITII 1/4″ Hole Saw Pilot Bit

  • Aluminium etc.Ferrous Metals
  • SteeFor use withDIABLO Quick-Change TCT HolesawsDIABLO SNAP-LOCK PLUS Quick-Change System Arbors2608F01255
  • 3/8-Hex Shank Arbor with HSS Pilot Bit and Adaptors2608F01157
  • 7/16-Hex Shank Arbor with HSS Pilot Bit and Adaptors

Hole cutting – woods, plastics & metals. Snap-Lock Plus mandrel system allows a quick & easy change with no down time. Tool free plug ejection for fast material removal. Fits all Diablo Snap-Lock Plus mandrels. 60mm (2-3/8) cutting depth for deeper holes in one pass & increased productivity. 1/4 shank. 4 overall length. Carded. Diablo’s new, high performance hole saws deliver faster cutting performance and increased productivity. Unlike anything on the market, Diablo’s hole saw system and mandrel design simplify the attachment process for fast and efficient hole saw mounting. These radical new hole saws provide ultimate cutting length to bore deeper holes in a single pass, tool-free plug ejection and Variable Tooth Design for faster cuts.